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1.  MLK-highlight his life's work/speech

2.  Presidents' Day-guest speaker

3.  Veteran's Day-guest speaker

4.  Paul Dresser's home

5.  Fairbanks Park/ Wabash River/ Indiana History

6.  T.H. Aquarium

7.  McDonald's-behind the scene operations

8.  Deming Park-holly arboretum

9.  Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department


11. Dobb's Nature Center and trails

12.Fox 59/CBS Media and Satellite operations-                   satellite technology

13.Jesse Walker-WTWO meteorologist

14.Rose Hulman- COWS-annual science                              demonstrations


16.Science Demonstration Day-guest speaker with           student involvement

17. 4-H Motion-Commotion Fun!

18.Humane Shelter donations

19."Run Your Paws Off" 5k color run

20.STEM projects and competition

21.Christmas Program-music

22.Music programs

23.Music theory, composers, opera, etc.

24.Sewing Seams of Hope-diapers, pillowcase                    dresses, etc. (Leah Schuch)

25.SOLE HOPE-tracing, cutting jeans for shoes for          children in Uganda, Africa

26.Cooking, baking-monthly (includes international         foods)


28.National Young Reader's Week

29.National Day of Prayer

30.Scholastic Book Club

31.Pizza Hut-- Book-It

32.Book Month-series and author spotlight

33. author, Andi Helms--Chickens on Strike

34.Science Fair/projects

35.Reading Fair/highlight books in depth

36.Tree/Flower identification

37.Biology-dissection and observation

38.McCormick's Creek-annual science and nature study

39. Passion/Holy Week-following the events of                 Jesus' last week

40. Art: using a variety of medians and methods               (drawing, painting, Zendoodle, etc.)

41.Hygiene/cleanliness workshop-Mrs. Findley

42.Field Day

43. SYATP (see you at the pole)

44.Making laundry soap

45.Carving pumpkins

46.Growing plants from seeds and stalks

47.BackRoads Cafe' Grille


49.Veronica's Kitchen

50.Harmony Park

WCA Activities

The following is a list of the activities that take place at Walden Christian Academy while maintaining a high standard of education. Thank you for all involved and being a part of who we are and who we strive to be...a place of learning through encouragement, growth, friendships, and love.


We use on a daily basis the following items:

  • Kleenex

  • paper plates

  • paper towels

  • plastic spoons/forks

  • baby wipes

  • hand sanitizer

  • copy paper

  • wide-ruled paper

  • college-ruled paper

  • pencils

  • highlighters

Thank you in advance for any and all donations.  We really appreciate your generosity.

How Can I Help?


We, at WCA, are sometimes asked how you can help a student meet financial needs and yet remain anonymous.  We do offer scholarship funds to help aid a child that might qualify for financial need.  This can be a one time donation or an ongoing commitment.  If this is something you would like more information about , please contact us at  

Thank you in advance for your generosity and for your opportunity to bless a child and their family. 

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Contact Us

Tel: 812-243-2744


400 East Church Street

Brazil, IN 47834

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